
Long Term Value Of Tender Business

Recurring Tenders

In most cases you can access the details of tenders previously contracted. That is, who won last time, how much they charged and what they were requested to provide.

Recurring tenders allow you to know in advance that the tender is coming up and you will be able to plan a lot earlier than you can with a one off tender.

The specifications, requirements and many details of the tender remains the same. By researching the previous winning tender you have an advantage, you will know how much the tender went for, what the specifications are and who won the tender.

You will also be able to find out how satisfied they are with the current contractor what likely amendments will occur for the next tender.

If this information is collaborated and used in the correct way you will have an advantage over your competitors. Surely some things will be different but these can be adjusted once the tender is published and offered to the public.

If your firm’s tendering opportunities are often recurring tenders, you should be preparing for the lapse of contract and will roughly know when the tender will be published once again.

Single Purchase by Tender

When working with a tender that is for a once off purchase, you don’t have to luxury to research the current contractor. You have to work to make sure your tender submission accurately reflects the requirement of the tender will first time.

This tender will have a cut off date and a plan should be prepared to meet this important deadline.

You should have your standard tender document prepared. So the real focus needs to be on those areas that deal with the specifications of the particular tender i.e.; adjust specifications, pricing etc accordingly.

On this type submission you want the reader to feel extremely comfortable in deciding to work with you. Give thought as to what will establish this level of trust in your submission. It might be worth doing some research into companies they have chosen to deal with in the past. You may find they’ve chosen to work with companies in a particular district or with companies in a particular district or with experience in dealing with government or even quality assurance may be something they’ve chosen in the past.

This research could highlight areas in your submission to really expand on.

Over Looked Sales Opportunities

Often a tender is the start of chain reaction. For example if a department is looking to purchase a new computer network there will be obvious future purchases that, depending on the total amount may not go out to tender. A computer network may require more computer disks, mouse pads, terminals, software, training, paper, printer and toner etc.

The initial tender specification may not have included these additional and ongoing items in their requirements. There would be an opportunity to provide there to the department or to form an alliance is often overlooked.

Think of your service or product and write down what types of tenders are being offered that would indicate your service would be required at a later stage.

There are many on line tender information providing websites like www.tenderserviceonline.com .You can also visit this site for latest tender news and articles. So you can plan your response to tender invitation today and get lots of business possibilities in government sector.